Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tomato Nightmare

The tomato plants are out of control!  Seriously, they are out of control.  Nice weather combined with super fertilizer and lack of maintenance have turned this plants into trees.  I'm not joking.  They are now tomato trees. I love tomatoes, but not this much!

Yes, that's a hockey stick holding up the cage.

I knew that they were out of control but I did not realize just how out of control they really were till a few moments ago when I went outside to do some weeding.  I peered out of my backyard into the communal area of the condo corp, and to my surprise, the tomato trees have grown threw the fence into the common area!  Making my yard look like a jungle!  I'm sure the neighbours and the condo corp are very pleased with this.

Damn "suckers", I should have listened when I was told to pull you out, but no, I didn't.  I never imagined that a tomato plant could be so stressful.  


  1. Oooh, that is some classy back-view-pokey-through-fence action you have going on there. I give it a week before you get a letter from some condo board commando. lol.

    Our tomatoes have just stopped growing. It's like they resigned or something and didn't bother to tell us. What the hell is in your fertilizer???!!

  2. Well, besides poop I mean. Ha!

  3. The same stuff I put in your drinks when you come over ;)
